Is it a salad, a spread, or just mush? Do whatever you want with it! This is a mixture that even my dad enjoys either on bread or as a dip with pita chips. The ingredient list isn't very precise, even I think I make it differently every time (sorry!).
2 packets of Splenda (about a teaspoon)
1 teaspoon dried cilantro
About a 1/2 teaspoon lemon and lime juice--to taste
1 6oz can tuna in water
1 15.8 oz can white beans (About 1 1/2 cups)
Drain the tuna. Rinse off the beans in a coriander. Mix the first three ingredients in a small bowl and then add the tuna and beans. Mash everything together--the beans create a creaminess to the mush! Enjoy on bread, with pita chips, or just eat it with a spoon like I did for lunch today.
Serves 2 (Or one, if you're really hungry)
Nutritional Value per serving: 195 Cal, .6g Fat, 0g SFat, 735.5mg Sod, 25.5g Carb, 0g Sug, 9g Fiber, 25g Protein
I wish my picture showed the greeness of the cilantro...oh well,